
welcome to the nametab. this is a place where various projects - paid and recreational, old and new - will be documented. guides written for friends and other miscellaneous things that might be worth publishing will be published here. mostly it exists for my own edification and amusement.

guide: windows/linux guests on Proxmox on Raspberry Pi

project: (hardware) front panel temperature sensor and process monitor - CNC plasma case mod

project: (software) front panel temperature sensor and process monitor - Python/GPIO/nmap/htop/ntop/ssh

project: low power, ultra-low budget ESXi vSphere cluster

guide: manual fan control for 11th and 12th generation Dell PowerEdge servers

guide: filtering an individual application's audio in real time using OBS

guide: retrieving a lost device from a different subnet using Windows

dubious advice: handling cryptocurrency in 2023

project: adding USB-C charging to the original Nokia 3310

project: adding desktop display outputs with minimal cost and PCI-Express lane consumption

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